Tutor Matching Made Easy!

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How Our Tutor Matching Works

Our tutor matching system works hard to connect you with qualified in-person tutors or online tutors.

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Search for homeschool tutors & teachers

Easily connect with tutors & teachers by location, grade, online or in-person and other criteria such as group tutoring (learning pods) or individual tutoring (one-on-one). We will then connect you to matching tutors & teachers.

Group Tutoring (Learning Pods)

Group tutoring is great for parents who would like to form learning pods with multiple students. These can be online learning pods or local learning pods with families you know. This is also a great way for parents to split the costs on a highly skilled teacher.

Find a Learning Pod Tutor

Individual Tutoring (One-On-One)

Individual tutoring are for parents who would like one-on-one tutoring for their child. This type of tutoring allows your child to connect with a highly qualified online (remote) or local (in-person) teacher who can give them the individualized help they need.

Find an Individual Tutor

Connect with a qualified tutor

Review tutor & teacher profiles, their experience, qualifications, education, ratings and more. Choose the tutor or teacher that you like best. You and your chosen tutor will decide on personalized curriculum and schedule that best fit your needs.

Connect With a Tutor
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Local or Online Tutors
local homeschool tutors
Local In-Person Tutors

We can match you with local tutors you can meet up with or who can come to your home. View a full bio of tutors & teachers including ratings, experience and background checks.

online homeschool tutors
Online Tutors

Expand your options with online tutors & teachers. We can match you to tutors nationwide who will use online tools to connect with you. View profiles, qualifications and background checks.

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